One of the most important ways a mentor can bless their mentee is by holding out hope for their future, especially in the area of the college or higher/continuing education. I think it is important to be specific and not generalize as often the young person will think that going to college etc. is a good idea but is just not possible or attainable for him/herself. Some good ways I have seen mentors do this is by taking them to local colleges they could potentially attend, walking around campus or taking a campus tour, having them meet with a guidance counselor, investigate with them financial aid/scholarship opportunities, and information gathered together. It is good if they know what is required so they can set goals and the mentor can help them to achieve it.
Another way a mentor can hold out hope for a mentee is to help them get a job once they are old enough to do so. A mentor can take a mentee to places and help them fill out applications. A mentor can also point out what is feasible for their mentee such as; is this a place they can get to on their own, does it fit with their other commitments and schedule, etc. A mentor can help a mentee think through the details which may not have occurred to their mentee. A mentor can also help a mentee come up with a budget once they start earning money and teach them responsible financial management.
Overall, I think that the mentors who help their mentees set attainable goals, then break down the main goal into smaller steps, and then assist the mentee in accomplishing them, will see the most success. By doing this, a mentor helps their mentee to believe that it is possible (whatever goal it is). Once a mentee believes it can happen for them, they are halfway there.
Article by: Beth Del Giudice