Lynn Wohland, previous LIYM staff member who is now a missionary to the fatherless of Romania
A mentor is a window for a child, to view personal life possibilities and to see their value in God’s eyes.
As Joanna* drives them off to their weekly destination each week, Shelly* will often pour out her heart from the back seat. Her aches, disappointments, hurts, and hopes go tumbling up to the driver’s seat, reaching Joanna’s ears and heart. And out of Joanna flow words of wisdom and compassion from the Spirit of God as she shares the Bible’s perspective on Shelly’s challenges and how she is seen through God’s eyes.
One day, Shelly told Joanna that the kids at school make fun of her. “They call me “pig face.” Joanna told her truth. “You are beautiful.” She suggested to Shelly that when those hurtful words are tossed at her, she should think about her family and true friends and how they love her and know she is beautiful. Joanna could have stopped there, but instead, she saw her opportunity to be a window and she said, “Do you know that the Bible says that you are the apple of God’s eye?” She furthered, “Do you know that He made you as beautiful as you are?” “Do you know God loves you and cares for you?” To all these things Shelly responded, “Really?” Through Joanna, Shelly is getting a glimpse of the awesome truth that an Almighty, All Holy, All-Loving God has His eyes on her and considers her precious.
As I write these words, excitement wells up within me. The Lord is doing healing work in Shelly through Joanna, bringing the Word to her like a soothing balm. A child being called “pig face” wonders fearfully if it is true, and if there is no one else around to tell her differently, it very easily becomes their view of themselves… but the hateful, false mirror of her peers has been transformed by her mentor, into a divine window to her Heavenly Father’s Love.
You, my friend, have a part in this as well. Supporting this ministry pulls back the curtains, as you mobilize mentors. We can’t do it without you.