I was visiting a group home when one of the members of the staff asked the kids if they wanted to try a durian?

Not sure what she was talking about, the kids went into the kitchen and saw the ugliest fruit they had ever seen. And then to make things worse, the worker cut it open and it smelled even worse than it looked.

The kids yelled in unison, ‘We ain’t trying no durian!’

The worker sat down and quietly said, “Good, I didn’t want to share it anyway.”

The kids watched in fascination as she slowly, and seemingly enjoyably, ate this poor excuse for a fruit.

One of the kids spoke up and said, ‘Do you really like that?’   ‘No,‘ she said, ‘I love it!’


Convinced that this woman really seemed to be enjoying the fruit, timidly asked, ‘Can I try a tiny piece?’

‘It really has a nice taste,’ he declared.

That’s often how it is with so many of these kids when it comes to church, God and Christianity.

They don’t see it as very attractive. You can’t sleep in Sunday mornings; it’s full of hypocrites; it’s boring; they just want your money and God’s not fair.

But sometimes they meet a mentor who seems to really enjoy God; who tells them about the joy He has brought to their life; who tells them that they look forward to going to church, hearing God’s word and worshiping with other Christians.

And occasionally, one will ask, ‘Can I try it?’

Unfortunately the church can sometimes get a bad rap; look boring or even smell of hypocrisy.

But God calls them to, Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in him.          Psalm 34:8

Pray for more mentors who will give these kids God’s amazing invitation to try Him out.


Your partner in building New Bridges of Hope,


George Bundt,

Director of the Bridges Ministry