LIYM needs retired people to fit specific job needs. If you are looking for a way to invest in the kingdom with volunteer work, this opportunity may be perfect for you.
Assistant to Ministry Area Director
Ideal Candidate:
1) Administratively gifted
2) Excellent interpersonal skills
3) Organized
4) Willing to Call prospective mentors to encourage them to follow through with all required screening steps.
Job Description:This person has 5 to 10 hours a week to track and encourage prospective mentors as they complete the screening and training process. This person will have a direct impact in connecting more Christian mentors with children who are in need of Godly direction.
Auction Committee Member
Ideal Candidate:
1) One who can net work.
2) Excellent interpersonal skills
3) Creative
4) Willing to ask businesses and individuals to donate items for auction.
Job Description:We are seeking items and experiences that our guests cannot normally buy or that are valuable to feature in our auction. Your job will be to use your network and creativity to both find and acquire these items. Your efforts will be used by God to fund the mission of ministering the love of God the Father to the orphan and fatherless.
Mentor Supervisor
Job Requirement: Supervise mentors in your area
Ideal Candidate:
1) Highly organized person.
2) Excellent interpersonal skills
3) Background in social work, management, counseling and teaching helpful.
Job Description: Keep in touch with small group of mentors. Give the mentors council and encouragement. Document all interaction in computerized case files. Training will be provided. Notify assigned supervisor of any signs of problems.
Dinner Party Coordinator
Job Requirement: Host/Hostess for Dinner Parties
Ideal Candidate:
1) Person who enjoys entertaining.
2) Person has gift of hospitality.
3) Believes in ministry enough to have already given.
Job Description: Organize small dinner parties. Invite people to attend and then work with Executive Director to host the party.
Mentor Recruiter
Job Requirement: Mentor Recruiter
Ideal Candidate:
1) Person known and respected within your church.
2) Comfortable with speaking with others about mission.
Job Description: Stay aware of children that need mentors in your area. Encourage people in your church to mentor them. Support and motivate the prospect mentor through the screening and training process.