In 2001 we started receiving calls from churches and ministries across the nation. Our President, George W. Bush, was encouraging the faith based community to use the most effective known strategy to reach out to our nation’s fatherless at risk youth; mentoring. In response to these calls, we started the “Christian Mentoring Institute”. This national effort was a challenge to us financially, but it excited us to the true potential of the methodology that God has entrusted to us. Dozens of new mentoring ministries were started. Many have been established in churches around the nation, ministering to the children of their single parent families, while others reached out to their communities, duplicating what God has done here on Long Island through a Para-church ministry.
After a couple years we met up with leaders of mentoring ministries around country. This group of national leaders joined forces to start the Christian Association of Youth Mentoring. We merged the Christian Mentoring Institute into this ministry. As of 2010, we have encouraged and equipped over 250 Christian ministries who are mentoring fatherless children. Now it is being well run under a separate board of directors. However, we remain great partners on this mission field to the fatherless. Our Executive Director John Cragg resigned as President of this ministry and continues as a board member.